1) فراخوان دوره تابستانی سه هفته ای موسسه فدرال گرایی دانشکده حقوق دانشگاه فریبورگ سوئیس با موضوع فدرال گرایی، تمرکززدایی و حل اختلافات
The 28th edition will take place in Fribourg, Switzerland, from 27th August until 12th September 2018. Info
2) فراخوان سومین کنفرانس سالانه حقوق عمومی با همکاری دانشگاه ملبورن و دانشگاه کمبریج با موضوع مرزهای حقوق عمومی با شرکت بیش از هشتاد سخنران اعم از استاد، پژوهشگر و قضات پیشرو و سیصد هیئت پژوهشی برای بحث و تبادل نظر علمی
From 11 to 13 July 2018, Melbourne Law School will hold the third biennial Public Law Conference, co-organised by the University of Melbourne and the University of Cambridge. The theme of the 2018 conference is ‘The Frontiers of Public Law’. Info
3) فراخوان دوره دکتری فرصت شغلی با موضوع شهروندی جهانی
The WZB Berlin Social Science Centre, Project Group “International Citizenship Law” (led by Professor Liav Orgad) in the Research Area Migration and Diversity, is offering a position for a
Research Fellow
in the field of “Global Governance of Citizenship”
4) فراخوان مقاله فراخوان کنفرانس آکادمی بین المللی حقوق تطبیقی بیستمین کنگره عمومی دانشگاه کیوشو فوکوآکا ژاپن
Sharing Economy and the Law CFP
30 March, 2018: Submission of paper abstracts
20 April, 2018: Notification of selection results
The 20th Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law
(General Congress) July 22 – 28, 2018 Kyushu University Ito Campus “Shiiki-Hall” Fukuoka International Congress Center

5) فراخوان جایزه مقاله نویسی و ارائه مقاله انجمن بین المللی مراکز مطالعات فدرال کانبرا استرالیا
International Association of Centres for Federal Studies (IACFS)
Only young researchers, attached or associated with an IACFS member centre are eligible. They include full-time researchers, masters, doctoral and post-doctoral students. Former students of a centre may also apply as long as there is a demonstrable association with the member centre. The age limit is 35 years old at the time of tabling the application.
Young researchers are invited to submit a journal-length article (8 000 - 10 000 words) on a topic dealing with an aspect of federalism. The topic does not need to be linked to the theme of the IACFS annual conference. The paper must be an original work. It may have already been submitted for publication but not published. The paper must be written in English.
A young researcher submits his or her work to the director of the centre and each centre may nominate up to three candidates.
Nominations and papers must be submitted to Professor Jaap de Visser (jdevisser@uwc.ac.za) no later than 30 April 2018.
For 2018 the award comprises a return flight ticket to the IACFS annual conference in Canberra, Australia (25-27 October 2018), plus three days’ accommodation and a certificate. The award winner will be invited to present his/her paper at the IACFS conference. CFP

6) فراخوان چکیده فراخوان کنفرانس با موضوع حقوق بوسیله اینترنت 2018 دانش حقوق در عصر اطلاعات بزرگ
فلورانس ایتالیا 11-12 اکتبر 2018
Authors are invited to submit abstracts on a broad spectrum of research topics that include, but are not restricted to:
Free access to law by government and non-state actors
Facilitating community access to legal information
E-government, e-democracy and e-justice
Global development and state of implementation of legal standards
Big data and data analytics for and in the legal domain
Tools for supporting democratic participation and opportunities for digital democracy
Open data policies
Policy issues on the publication of case law
Challenges facing free access to public legal information throughout the world
Open access to legal scholarship
Restrictions of openness
Sustainable business model for free law
Digital preservation for legal documents
Communicating legal information: Visual law for improving public access to the law
Interactive and "intelligent" legal services and knowledge-based tools
Global interoperability and Linked Open Data in the legal domain
Data sovereignty and the responsibility for the data
Privacy and data protection, access to and dissemination of legal information
Knowledge acquisition techniques for the legal domain (natural language processing, argument and data mining)
Legal knowledge representation
Automatic legal text classification and summarisation
Automated information extraction from legal databases and texts
Conceptual or model-based legal information retrieval
E-government and access to legal information
E-democracy and access to legal information
Abstracs presenting innovative projects, experience, initiatives or services with a strong collaborative cross-border or international dimension are preferred. CFP
7) فراخوان مقاله با موضوع چالش های اساسی گرایی جهانی در مرکزعلوم اجتماعی برلین
The editorial team of Global Constitutionalism, in conjunction with PluriCourts, will be organizing a workshop from July 4th to 6th at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. As part of this workshop we will be running special sessions for scholars interested in publishing in the field of global constitutionalism.
Possible topics include but are not limited to
• International courts and contemporary challenges to international courts
• Human rights
• The rule of law from a global perspective
• Contemporary challenges to democracy
• The legitimate role of the judiciary in the global order
• Contestation of global norms
• Global justice
• Transnational democracy
• Post-colonial critiques of global constitutionalism
• Non-western approaches to global constitutionalism
• The implications of the rise of populist and nationalist movements for global constitutionalism
• Global constitutionalism and cultural diversity
The deadline for submissions is February 23rd, 2018. CFP

8) فراخوان دوره تابستانی تجارت و حقوق بشر دانشگاه سنت آنا پیزا ایتالیا
Focus area:
Human rights, conflict management and development cooperation
Venue: Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Application deadline: 23.04.2018
from 18.06.2018 to 22.06.2018
ECTS Credits: 2
Training hours: 35
Maximum Number of Participants: 30
The Summer School aims at providing students, researchers, NGO workers, lawyers, CSR experts and other public- and private-sector practitioners with a comprehensive overview and knowledge of the legal mechanisms and tools applicable in the field of business and human rights keeping up with current relevant developments at the national, regional and international level.
Course fee
Tuition fee: € 550.00
Early-bird registration fee (for candidates applying before March 8, 2018): € 450.00
The fee includes attendance costs, tutorship, reference material, lunch at the canteen of the Scuola Sant’Anna for the entire length of the course, coffee breaks, access to the library of the Scuola, and free access to the wireless connection within the Scuola’s premises.
Participants who have attended at least 80% of the classes will receive a Certificate of Attendance.
Participants who have fulfilled the same attendance requirement and successfully taken the optional multiple-choice test, will receive a Final Certificate containing the number of credits obtained. Info
9) فراخوان برنامه پیشرفته مطالعات حقوق بشر و حقوق بشر دوستانه، دانشکده حقوق واشنگتن
The Program convenes an impressive group of human rights activists and professionals to teach at AUWCL, offering an innovative and diverse curriculum tailored to meet the needs of professionals specializing in human rights.
Concurrent with the program, the Academy sponsors Human Rights Month, which offers academic opportunities through conferences, panels, and films. Info
important dates
December 1, 2017
May 1, 2018
May 28, 2018
May 29, 2018
June 15, 2018
10) فراخوان مقاله با موضوع خشونت جنسی در زمان صلح و جنگ بهمراه پرداخت هزینه های سفر و اقامت پذیرفته شدگان مدرسه لندن برای علوم اقتصادی و سیاسی
This project exemplifies the approach of the Centre for Women, Peace and Security in bringing together diverse stakeholders to engage in interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral discussion to advance women’s human rights and gender equality. CFP
11) فراخوان دوره تابستانی پیشرفته برای دانشجویان دکتری مرکز عالی برای دادگاه های بین المللی(iCourts) و مرکز مطالعات نقش های قانونی قوه قضائیه در نظم جهانی(PluriCourts) این دوره برای دانشجویان دکتری که رساله ایشان در زمینه های بین رشته ای است توصیه می شود.
The Centre of Excellence for International Courts (iCourts) and PluriCourts (Centre for the Study of the Legitimate Roles of the Judiciary in the Global Order) are hosting a high-level summer school for PhD students working on international courts in their social and political context. We particularly welcome students whose PhD thesis involves a strong focus on methods and interdisciplinarity. Info
Time: 18 June – 22 June 2018 at 9:00 – 16:00
Place: iCourts, Faculty of Law, Conference/flex room, ground floor, room 8A-0-57, Njalsgade 76, DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Registration fee: The course is offered at the rate of 250 EURO, covering refreshments and lunch every day, dinners on Monday and Thursday, and a farewell reception on Friday. Lectures, research facilitation, and social programme are offered free of charge. Participants pay for transport and accommodation.
12) فراخوان بورسیه دکتری موقعیت شغلی، دپارتمان حقوق عمومی و بین الملل دانشکده حقوق دانشگاه اسلو نروژ با موضوع رضایت دولت ها برای صلاحیت بین المللی: تجویز، اصلاح و لغو زیر نظر Prof. dr. Freya Baetens
Successful candidates must conduct their PhD research project on a topic that is part of the main project.
Successful candidates will be required to work in Oslo during the project period (with possible research stays abroad up to one year as approved by the Project Leader and PluriCourts), and are expected to participate in the Project's activities, as well as common activities at PluriCourts. Info