تازه های فراخوان بین المللی مقالات، بورسیه ها و کنفرانس های بین المللی پانزدهم دی 1396 - بخش اول
1) فراخوان چکیده فراخوان کنفرانس با موضوع مصرف کننده با مسئولیت در عصر دیجیتال چشم انداز بین المللی و اروپای شمالی بر حمایت اقتصادی از مصرف کننده دانشکده حقوق دانشگاه کپنهاگ
Conference Theme CFP
Consumer protection law is one of the most dynamic fields of study and practice due to continuous and fast-paced innovations concerning the delivery of products and performance of services offered to consumers. This is even more true with respect to the financial sector. The financial crisis emphasized the need for more effective consumer protection measures given the increasing sophistication and complexity of financial products. However, the question is whether the normative changes adopted after the mortgage credit crunch are able to adapt to the pace of financial innovation and digitalization.
Confirmed speakers include:
Jules Stuyck, Professor, University of Leuven
Hans Micklitz, Professor, European University Institute
Registration deadline: 17 May 2018 12:00.
Time: 31 May - 1 June 2018
2) فراخوان چکیده فراخوان کنفرانس هفتمین کنفرانس سالانه تطبیقی گرایان جوان
The Younger Comparativists Committee (YCC) of the American Society of Comparative Law
(ASCL) is pleased to invite submissions for its Seventh Annual Conference, to be held on April
20-21, 2018, at Case Western Reserve University School of Law in Cleveland, Ohio. The purpose
of the conference is to highlight, develop, and promote the scholarship of younger comparativists.
Conference Subject: Matter and Eligibility CFP
3) فراخوان دوره پست دکتری دانشگاه اکستر
با موضوع سقوط سوسیالیسم دولتی در شرق اروپا در چشم انداز جهانی با تمرکز بر زمینه های اقتصادی و اجتماعی
The 12 month fixed term post with 1989 after 1989 and based in Exeter, UK will focus on the fall of state socialism in Eastern Europe in global perspective, focusing on political, economic and cultural themes.
Deadline for applications is 17 January 2018
Interviews anticipated late January 2018
4) فراخوان شانزدهمین کنگره برزیلی حقوق بین الملل
The Brazilian Academy of International Law invites Professors, Researchers, Students, and Professionals from the law and international relations fields to participate at the 16th Brazilian Congress of International Law and submit drafts to be presented at the event.
The Congress will take place in the city of Foz do Iguaçu, in the state of Paraná, Brazil, from August 22 to August 25, 2018, under auspices of the Federal University of Latin American Integration and the University of São Paulo.
The deadline for drafts submission is January 15, 2018. CFP
5) فراخوان چکیده فراخوان کنفرانس رسیدن به امپراتوری-امپراتوری اسلامی اولیه در عمل دانشگاه هامبورگ
بهمراه پرداخت هزینه سفر و اقامت پذیرفته شدگان
The Reach of Empire - The Early Islamic Empire at Work
Universität Hamburg, 11-13 October 2018 CFP
6) فراخوان بورسیه دکتری دانشگاه کوئنتین بریس استرالیا
A Quentin Bryce Law Doctoral Scholarship will enable you to undertake your Ph.D. in a faculty which has a dynamic and vibrant research culture and to work with nationally and internationally recognized academic supervisors.
Value and duration:
a stipend of $40,000 per annum for 4 years
a research support fund of $1,500 per annum
paid holiday, sick, maternity, and parenting leave
Separate support may be available for international students to cover tuition fees.
7) فراخوان مقاله مجله مرکز آکسفورد برای مطالعات حقوقی اجتماعی
The Journal of the Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies (JOxCSLS) is currently calling for papers for 2018. The JOxCSLS is an international online and open access peer-reviewed journal established and edited by graduate research students of the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Oxford.
Deadline for submissions to next issue: 18 February 2018. CFP
8) فراخوان کنفرانس با موضوع نمایندگی مناطق، به چالش کشیدن دومجلسی دانشگاه اینسبروک اتریش
Representing Regions, Challenging Bicameralism
Scientific Committee:
Anna Gamper (University of Innsbruck)
Esther Happacher (University of Innsbruck)
Peter Bußjäger (University of Innsbruck, IFÖ)
Matteo Nicolini (University of Verona)
Francesco Palermo (University of Verona, EURAC Bozen/Bolzano)
Jens Woelk (University of Trento, EURAC Bozen/Bolzano)
Further information and registration:
Monika Weber
Institut für Öffentliches Recht, Staats- und Verwaltungslehre
Universität Innsbruck
Innrain 52d, 6020 Innsbruck/Austria
E-Mail: Monika Weber@uibk.ac.at
Tel. +43 512 507-84011
Please register before March 19th, 2018.
8) فراخوان چکیده کنفرانس بین المللی قدرت حقوق عمومی در قرن بیست و یکم بوداپست مجارستان
This Conference will convene a group of scholars to reflect on the current challenges and trends
present in Public Law from the perspective of Constitutional Law, International Law, European
Law, Administrative Law and Legal Theory.
1. The efficiency of public law in sustaining democratic societies
2. The changing boundaries of public law
3. The comparative method in the present practice of public law
The Power of Public Law in the 21st Century
Our Faculty organizes an international conference on 20th April 2018. Organisers are waiting for abstracts until 10 January 2018. CFP
9) فراخوان فرصت شغلی دانشگاه اوربرو سوئد
Örebro University is now looking for an associate senior lecturer in legal science for fixed-term employment of 4-6 years at the School of Law, Psychology and Social Work.
10) فراخوان فرصت شغلی دوره دکتری موسسه حقوق مالیات و اقتصاد دانشگاه لایدن
The section Tax Law of the institute Tax Law and Economics of Leiden Law School is looking for a Ph.D. GLOBTAXGOV (2 positions, 1.0 FTE). Project Description
The Faculty of Law of the University of Leiden will be appointing two Ph.D. positions within the ERC Starting Grant Project ‘A New Model of Global Governance in International Tax Law Making’ (GLOBTAXGOV), headed by Associate Professor Dr. Irma Mosquera. GLOBTAXGOV project will investigate issues of global governance and tax lawmaking. See below for a summary of GLOBTAXGOV.
11) فراخوان مقاله، فراخوان کنفرانس ارزش های و اصول حکمرانی چندسطحی: چالش های و فرصت ها دانشگاه آنتورپ بلژیک
PhD Conference "Values and principles in multilevel governance: challenges and opportunities"
The Government and Law Research Group of the University of Antwerp in collaboration with the Catholic University of Leuven, the Free University of Brussels, and the University of Hasselt invite submissions for a full-day eight annual doctoral conference on “Values and principles in multilevel governance: challenges and opportunities” to be held in Antwerp, Belgium at the University of Antwerp on 25 May 2018. CFP
12) فراخوان چکیده فراخوان کنفرانس پست دکتری با موضوع اندیشه تغییر در حقوق بین الملل و حقوق بشر دانشگاه لیورپول
The Notion of Change in International Law and Human Rights
University of Liverpool, 26th – 27th March 2018
Papers may deal with, but again are not limited to:
Public International Law
Conflict and Security Law
International Court and Tribunals
International Organisations and Global Governance
International Criminal Law
Migration and Refugee Law
Minority Rights, Self-Determination and Secession Processes
Cultural Rights and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Rights of Children, Women and Persons with Disabilities
International Law and the Global Economy
Climate Change and Environmental Law CFP
13) فراخوان چکیده فراخوان کنفرانس چهاردهمین کنفرانس جامعه اروپایی حقوق بین الملل مرکز حقوق بین الملل منچستر
The themes of the agorae
Paper proposals for inclusion in one of the 12 agorae should relate to one of the following eight themes.
Theme 1 - The ‘Particular’ vs the ‘Universal’ in International Law
Theme 2 - Universality and regimes
Theme 3 - Universality and adjudication
Theme 4 - A European tradition of Universality?
Theme 5 - Universality and the teaching of international law
Theme 6 - Universality and the working languages of international law
Theme 7 - Critique and resistance to Universality
Theme 8 - Universality over time